Mega Therion


Hello there!
This is another piece of my robot portrait series. I’m so hyped watching Gundam so I decided to make a scene similar to the show, where the Mecha is under construction and we have an executive and her child visiting the installations.

The name means the Great Beast in Greek, being this Mecha a very powerful opponent I think that makes sense, however, my kids named Akikon like a derivation from the Godzilla song intro and something similar to King Kong’s name so basically they sing Akikon all the time!


It was a very interesting process, I had to use a giant human-scale model to maintain the design proportions. Also, I did a few cameras and kitbash assets to add some detail to the general mesh.

About the main design, I tried to stay away from the classical armor with a man shape and propose something more cybernetic with many eyes in different places and blades in the back.


For this part of the process, I did several experiments but in general, I use my favorite color scheme combination of blue and orange with some red, yellow, and cyan tones.
After the experiments, I rendered a version with all lights in white and save different color schemes using the new Vray Lightmix tool.

I few weeks ago I took a lighting masterclass with Nikos Nikolopoulos and the Kilograph team, so this model was perfect to experiment. Here you can see some of the tests.


In this case, all materials are coming from the Vray preset library and I have to say that I saved a lot of time using this library. These materials are looking great!


Here I always try to render the best output possible so I use the new Vray Tonemapper, glow, exposure and Lightmix.


Since I did a lot of progress using the Vray Frame Buffer, postproduction was minimal. I used After Effects for compositing improving occlusion, adding depth of field and steam.

Here is the final image, I hope you enjoyed this project overview. Please don’t forget to subscribe to this blog and share your ideas and comments in section below. Stay safe and stay inspired!

Here is the high-res version of the video!

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